It's Scrap book Day again! As always, if you would like to see a larger image or the supplies that I used, click on the layout and you'll be taken to my Scrap Girls gallery. Enjoy!

Journalling: These are all pictures from my childhood home in Swanton,
Ohio. On the opposite page is a picture of my 10th birthday cake. You
can see the wallpaper that was in our kitchen along with the Happy
Birthday sign we put up for everyone’s special day. You can also see
the miniatures that my mom collected and that I inherited. On this page
is our yellow refrigerator with some artwork on it. I was very proud
of the yellow lion tracing. There is a picture of our living room with
the striped couches, macrame plant holder that my mom made, and some of
my 1st dad’s drawings. He was an architect. Then, there is the wall
that my 1st dad built between the kitchen and the living room. It had
the meaning of each of our names, the family Bible, the current holiday
decorations, and my mother’s latest sewing project. Last is the opposite
end of our living room (and my 9th birthday). The piano was on the
left, on the right is the stereo (we had both a record player and an
8-track player), along with my sister’s and my school pictures. You can
just see, behind the front door, the doorway that we made between the
house and the garage when we turned the garage into a family room.

Renee, October 3, 2012
I just wanted you to know that you were thought of last night and you
are apparently the aunt of a super hero! Jon got a Spiderman book from
the library and we were reading it again last night. The front of the
book has a list of characters, so I was asking him if he remembered the
names of each of them. We got through Peter Parker and Spiderman. Next
was Aunty Ney (Aunt May). I just laughed. I corrected him, but he
still calls her Aunty Ney.
Journalling: We got together in mid-October to celebrate Josh’s,
Dani’s, Jon’s, and Jack’s birthdays. Fall around here means
donuts-and-cider and bobbing-for-apples. So, we put candles in their
donuts and served Caramel Apple Supremes (or just regular apple cider
for those that didn’t like hot drinks). We also did bobbing-for-apples,
the no-germ version. We suspended apples from the ceiling and told the
kids the only rule was they couldn’t use their hands. Alex was the
first to figure out how to use her shoulder. Dani and Eddie decided to
work together.
The following images do not have links to Scrap Girls, although they use Scrap Girls products. They are for the small group I am participating in called "God's Good Gifts." It is a scrapbooking group. Each week we look at a different gift from God in our lives and scrapbook those gifts. The first image is the cover page. The other images are the first week's layouts. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail be or leave a comment.
Journalling: God chose be His child...
to be Scott's wife...
to be the mother of four amazing boys...
given that, who am I to question when things get tough...
O Lord, you have searched me and known me.
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from far away.
You search out my path and my lying down,
and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my ongue,
O Lord, you know it completely.
Psalm 139:1-4
Heavenly Father,
Thank you! As I look back over these photos, they reinforce once more the realization that you have a wonderful plan for my life. Yes, there were painful moments. However, even amidst that pain, I can see now that you were leading me towards a better future. Thank you for the time I was able to spend camping with Grandma and Grandpa Coder; for the time I spent at Grandma and Grandpa Whitt’s; for the chance to know Richard and to learn and grow through his loss; and for the wonderful dad you brought into my life afterwards. I also thank you for Scott. I did such a lousy job picking men myself, but you knew exactly whom I needed and the perfect way for our relationship to begin and grow. You are an awesome and loving father. Please, help me to always remember these blessings and to continue to look for new blessings each day.
Love, Monica